What's My Learning Style?

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What's My Learning Style? da Mind Map: What's My Learning Style?

1. 50% Auditory

1.1. It says my highest percent of learning is through auditory. I believe when it comes to school learning this is not true. However if I think about my friends and my everyday life this is spot on. Many of my friends come to me for advice and talk to me about things they have going on. I'm often the therapist in my group. When my friends come to me I listen not because it's my natural learning style but because there's the care behind the learning. I'm not just in a classroom hearing another student talk. I'm listening to someone I care about. Therefore I pay attention. I absorb the things they tell me and can remember it for years but again I think it's because I'm already invested in the person.

2. 40% Kinesthetic

2.1. When it comes to school, the hands on aspect is what works for me best. I can't tell you how many times I've read and re-read the chapters of a book in my other class to make sure I'm understanding everything. It's not until I'm in front of my laptop actually entering the commands and running the script for it to actually start clicking. I think because of this I always thought I was a visual learner but I guess it's because I'm the one making it happen that's helping.

3. 10% Visual

3.1. I've always thought of myself as a visual learner however after taking the learning styles test I see I'm not correct (pun intended). It wasn't so much as taking the test that made me realize this but more so reading as to what each style meant. During last week we talked about how we manage our time, I mentioned all the visual things I used to keep me in order. Up until now though I never thought the way I learned was different than the way I managed my life. Managing my life I 100% need visual. Learning, not so much.

3.1.1. Overall I guess I learn by all of these things. I just use them in different aspects of my life. In order to make the most of my school learning I will mostly focus on what works best for me which is hands on. I'll continue write scripts for fun to help make sure I understand the commands I'm putting together and know what they do. On top of that I'll definitely continue to re-read my books and articles multiple times to help with the definition and explanation on things.

4. By Jessi Woodland