Parts of the speech

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Parts of the speech da Mind Map: Parts of the speech

1. Determiner

1.1. Is a word that determining something specific or random. Ex: the, those, their, my

2. Conjuction

2.1. Is a word that connect phrases, sentences or words. Ex: and, but, when.

3. Verb

3.1. Is a word that express an action state. Ex: have, do, like, work.

4. prepostion

4.1. Preposition: it's a word that introduces more information. Ex: to, at, after, on.

5. Noun

5.1. Is a word that refears to things or persons; ex: Pen, Dog, London, Teacher, etc.

6. Adverbs

6.1. Is a word that can nodify or describe a verb, an adjetiveor another verb.Ex: quickly, silently, well, very.

7. Adjective

7.1. Is a word that describe a Noun or a Noun phrases. Ex: a/an, the, some, good.

8. Pronoun

8.1. Is a word that replace a noun. Ex: I, You, He.

9. Interjection

9.1. Is a word or phrases that express an emotional state. Ex: oh!, ouch!, hi!.