Hawaiian-Themed Surprise Party

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Hawaiian-Themed Surprise Party da Mind Map: Hawaiian-Themed Surprise Party

1. Location

1.1. Outdoors

1.1.1. Pros More space More activities

1.1.2. Cons Weather dependant Possible attendee allergies

1.2. Indoors

1.2.1. Pros Climate controlled Clean and dry

1.2.2. Cons Possibly cramped

2. Entertainment

2.1. Music

2.1.1. Ska music

2.1.2. Ukulele music

2.1.3. Ukulele live band (?)

2.2. Games

2.2.1. Limbo

2.2.2. Hawaiian language learning

2.2.3. Pass the coconut

2.2.4. Learn to play the ukulele

3. Decorations

3.1. Streamers

3.2. Balloons

3.3. Palm Trees

3.4. Table Covers

4. Food

4.1. Appetizers

4.1.1. Hawaiian kabobs

4.2. Main Course

4.2.1. Pig roasting

4.2.2. Chicken long rice

4.2.3. Poi

4.3. Desserts

4.3.1. Coconut squares

4.3.2. Pina Colada cupcakes

5. Drinks

5.1. Alcoholic

5.1.1. Vodka

5.1.2. Beer

5.1.3. Rum

5.1.4. Wine

5.2. Non-Alcholic

5.2.1. Pop

5.2.2. Juice

5.2.3. Water

5.2.4. Pina Colada

5.3. Bartender for themed drinks