14 Categories of Disabilities IDEA

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14 Categories of Disabilities IDEA da Mind Map: 14 Categories of Disabilities IDEA

1. Hearing Impairment

1.1. Strategy/Modification

1.1.1. visual presentations

1.1.2. alternate between discussion and reading/activity time

1.1.3. Be careful not to obscure your mouth when speaking

1.2. Assisitive Technology

1.2.1. Speech-to-Text Translation tools

1.2.2. Hearing loop System

1.2.3. FM systems

1.2.4. Personal amplifiers

2. Intellectual Disability

2.1. Strategy/Modification

2.1.1. Hands On Learning

2.1.2. Play Based Learning

2.1.3. Baby Steps

2.1.4. Chaining

2.1.5. Positive Reinforcement

2.1.6. Group Learning

2.2. Assisitive Technology

2.2.1. Computer

2.2.2. Word Processor

3. Multiple Disabilities

3.1. Strategy/Modification

3.2. Assisitive Technology

3.2.1. Adaptive Equipment to Promote Literacy

3.2.2. IntelliTools

3.2.3. Clicker5

3.2.4. SmartBoard

4. Orthopedic Impairment

4.1. Strategy/Modification

4.1.1. Special seating arrangements

4.1.2. Understanding of medical condition and its affect on the student

4.2. Assisitive Technology

4.2.1. speech recognition software

4.2.2. screen reading software

4.2.3. augmentative and alternative communication devices

5. Other Health Impairment

5.1. Strategy/Modification

5.1.1. Extra Transition Time

5.1.2. Simplified steps

5.1.3. Reduced Workload

5.2. Assistive Technology

5.2.1. Accessibility tools as needed

6. Specific Learning Disability

6.1. Strategy/Modification

6.1.1. Use diagrams, graphics and pictures to support instruction

6.1.2. teach memory strategies, such as mnemonic strategies and elaborative rehearsal

6.1.3. Reduce course load

6.2. Assistive Technology

6.2.1. Websites and apps such as Khan Academy

6.3. Case Study: Nick

7. Speech or Language Impairment

7.1. Assistive Technology

7.1.1. Specialized audio/visual software to aid and supplement classroom learning

7.2. Strategy/Modification

7.2.1. Interactive communication

7.2.2. Multimodal instruction and activities

7.2.3. Team activities with specific duties

8. Autism

8.1. Strategy/Modification

8.1.1. Inclusion

8.1.2. Facilitated Communication

8.1.3. Picture Exchange Communication System

8.1.4. Sign language

8.1.5. Daily life therapy

8.2. Assistive Technology

8.2.1. Word Processing Software

8.2.2. Book Readers

8.2.3. Augmentative Communication Devices

8.2.4. Adaptable Educational Software

9. Deaf-Blindness

9.1. Strategy/Modification

9.1.1. Tactile Learning Strategies

9.2. Assistive Technology

9.2.1. Braille Writer

9.2.2. Large Display Scientific Calculator

9.2.3. Magnification Tools

9.3. Case Study

10. Deafness

10.1. Strategy/Modification

10.1.1. Visual aids

10.1.2. Face the class while speaking

10.1.3. Circular seating arrangements, or priority seats for hearing impaired

10.1.4. Provide transcripts and text for all audio and graphical aids

10.2. Assistive Technology

10.2.1. Speech-to-Text Translation

11. Developmental Delay

11.1. Strategy/Modification

11.1.1. Consistent classroom routines

11.1.2. Speak slowly and pause often

11.1.3. Demonstrate steps one at a time and have student repeat

11.1.4. Repeat instructions or directions frequently

11.2. Assistive Technology

11.2.1. tablet computer

11.2.2. PowerPoint

11.2.3. Audiobooks

12. Emotional Disturbance

12.1. Strategy/Modification

12.1.1. Support the student’s inclusion

12.1.2. Set clear behavioral rules and expectations

12.1.3. Recognize the student's accomplishments

12.2. Assistive Technology

13. Traumatic Brain Injury

13.1. Strategy/Modification

13.1.1. Direct Instruction

13.1.2. Assign a "peer buddy" to assist

13.1.3. Modified workload and expectations

13.2. Assistive Technology

13.2.1. Augmentative comunication devices

13.3. Case Study: Josh

14. Visual Impairment Including Blindness

14.1. Strategy/Modification

14.1.1. lecture information in a visual format

14.1.2. Give verbal description of visual aids

14.1.3. take care over seating arrangements and encourage people to take turns to speak

14.2. Assistive Technology

14.2.1. resources avaiabe in braile

14.2.2. braille machine

14.2.3. large print texts

14.2.4. portable word processing device

14.2.5. reading machine

14.2.6. video magnifier