Pablo Picasso

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Pablo Picasso da Mind Map: Pablo Picasso

1. Art periods

1.1. Blue Period

1.1.1. (1903-5)

1.1.2. Sad

1.1.3. Gloomy settings

1.1.4. circus and harlequin subjects

1.1.5. Melancholy blue

1.2. Rose Period

1.2.1. (1905-6)

1.2.2. Romantic

1.2.3. delicate

1.2.4. pale pink

1.3. cubism

1.3.1. (1907-25 )

1.3.2. includes the Proto-Cubist, Analytical and Synthetic Periods

1.3.3. Natural forms into geometric shapes

1.3.4. disortion

1.3.5. dull colors

1.4. Neo-classicism

1.4.1. (1920-30)

1.4.2. scultural grecian women

1.5. Surrealism

1.5.1. (1926 )

1.5.2. Dream world compositions

1.6. A style reminiscent of stained glass

1.6.1. (1932 )

1.6.2. grotesque

1.6.3. isolated shapes

1.6.4. black thick lines

1.7. A style with strong expressionist elements

1.7.1. (1938 )

1.7.2. terror of war

1.7.3. conflict

2. Biography

2.1. 1881

2.1.1. Born in Málaga, Spain Doña Maria Picasso y Lopez Don José Ruiz Blasco Art Teacher

2.2. 1895

2.2.1. Moved to Barcelona applied to the city's prestigious School of Fine Arts

2.3. 1897

2.3.1. Madrid Royal Academy of San Fernando

2.4. 1899

2.4.1. Barcelona anarchist artists and intellectuals "El quatre Gats"

2.5. 1901 to 1904

2.5.1. Paris Friend's death- Carlos Casagemas Sad, depressive period

2.6. 1905

2.6.1. In love with Fernande Olivier

2.6.2. Patronage of Art dealer Ambroise Vollard

2.7. 1907

2.7.1. Cubism

2.8. WWI

2.8.1. Somber, serious period

2.8.2. realism

2.9. 1937

2.9.1. "Guernica"

2.9.2. Spanish civil war

2.10. WWII

2.10.1. Joins communist party

2.11. 1950-1961

2.11.1. International Lenin Peace Prize

2.12. 1973