Japanese Occupation of Malaya

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Japanese Occupation of Malaya da Mind Map: Japanese Occupation of Malaya

1. Invasion

1.1. 1941

1.1.1. Kelantan

2. Surrender of the British at Singapore

2.1. 31st Jan 1942

3. Factors of why the Japanese Succeeded

3.1. British India Army Failure

3.2. Mohan Singh

3.2.1. disaffected soldiers

3.3. Kesatuan Melayu Muda

4. War crimes

4.1. 100,000 killed during Invasion

4.2. Japanese wanted to elimate the Chinese Population in Malaya

4.2.1. suspected executed without trial

4.3. Sook Ching massacres

4.3.1. 50, 000 killed

4.3.2. wiped out villages

4.4. Burma-Siam railway

4.4.1. 73,00 labourers

4.4.2. 25,000 died

4.5. malnutrition due to the severe rationing of food

5. Effects

5.1. Social Impact

5.1.1. Different treatment towards races

5.1.2. Kempeitai

5.1.3. Languages

5.1.4. Education

5.1.5. Culture

5.1.6. Health

5.2. Economic Impact

5.2.1. Destruction of economic resources

5.2.2. Inflation

5.2.3. Banana Money

5.3. Political Impact

5.3.1. political awareness

5.3.2. patriotic spirit

5.3.3. road towards Independence

5.3.4. Propoganda towards British

5.3.5. Asia for Asians

6. Japanese Surrender: 13th September 1945