5-step Action Plan for Preschool English Language Learners- Vedant and Arundhati

5-step Action Plan for Preschool English Language Learners- Vedant and Arundhati

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5-step Action Plan for Preschool English Language Learners- Vedant and Arundhati da Mind Map: 5-step Action Plan for Preschool English Language Learners- Vedant and Arundhati

1. Understanding the Student's Cultural Background

1.1. WHO?

1.2. WHAT?

1.3. WHERE?

1.4. WHEN?

1.5. WHY?

1.6. HOW?

1.6.1. VEDANT: by talking to Vedant, reading articles/understanding more about his language, and who he speaks to in his native language

1.6.2. ARUNDHATI: by learning more about Arundhati's culture and language by doing research and how she interacts with her family at home

2. Engaging the students in culturally- relevant activites

2.1. WHO?

2.2. WHAT?

2.3. WHERE?

2.4. WHEN?

2.5. WHY?

2.6. HOW?

2.6.1. VEDANT: inviting Vedant to learn a folk-story from his grandmother and then share it in the class in both Hindi. If he feels comfortable, he can then try saying it in English.

2.6.2. ARUNDHATI : Encouraging Arundhati to make up her own story. Poem recitation would help improve her verb tense consistency in a fun way

3. Involving the Parents

3.1. WHO?

3.2. WHAT?

3.3. WHERE?

3.4. WHEN?

3.5. WHY?

3.6. HOW?

3.6.1. VEDANT: Inviting Vedant's grandmother to speak about their culture, language and share their specific food with the class

3.6.2. ARUNDHATI: Having Arundhati explain her activities and work to her parents in a student-led demonstration

4. Create Opportunities for Speaking/ Interaction

4.1. WHO?

4.2. WHAT?

4.3. WHERE?

4.4. WHEN?

4.5. WHY?

4.6. HOW?

4.6.1. VEDANT: Encourage him to conduct the morning routine- greeting and good morning song, conversing in small groups

4.6.2. ARUNDHATI : Sharing learning on social etiquette (how was your weekend?) and essential phrases (may I go to the bathroom?)

5. Building Language Use into Content-Specific Areas

5.1. WHO?

5.2. WHAT?

5.3. WHERE?

5.4. WHEN?

5.5. WHY?

5.6. HOW?

5.6.1. VEDANT: Encouraging Vedant to use visual aids, such as flash cards or drawings to explain a concept

5.6.2. ARUNDHATI: Encouraging Arundhati to talk about a concept she has already mastered, so that there can be more focus on the interaction than the content

5.6.3. Both children can be involved in a class drama, featuring known concepts, and giving each child a role based on their comfort level in interacting or speaking