Mobile Apps for Education

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Mobile Apps for Education da Mind Map: Mobile Apps for Education

1. Travel

1.1. US Geography with Flat Stanley

1.1.1. This is a great travel tool that will encourage and motivate kids of younger ages to explore geography and things that they enjoy.

1.2. Goby

1.2.1. This is a great app to help with planning and organizing. Administrators could easily use this app to keep things straight for a busy day but also to link with teachers in order to prompt or remind them of events or activities. The teacher could use it the same way in the classroom.

1.3. Google Translate

1.3.1. This is a great language tools. It could be used in the classroom to assist with language barriers but also by administrators and teachers to communicate with parents who do not speak the same language. Communication is key in the school settings and this tools allows for communication by all.

1.4. Atlas for Ipad

1.4.1. This is another great tools to whet students appetites and curiosity. Many young kids are drawn to maps and graphs and it the time is taken to teach them about maps and how to use them then that curiosity can be used to help with teaching.

1.5. Disaster Alert

1.5.1. This could easily be used as a current event tools for teachers. Administrators would be wise to use multiple source in the event that something terrible is happening and this could be a good one. The bottom line is that at times, as an administrator, lots of people's lives are in your hands so you cannot rely on only one source.

2. Publishing

2.1. Blogsy

2.1.1. This is a great way to get students writing and publishing their work. The only way to get better at writing is to write and students should be doing it frequently and on as many platforms as possible.

2.2. Flipboard

2.2.1. This is a great administration app and could be full of tools for PLNs. Administrators could use this tools for the their benefit, to share tools with others, or teachers could use it for their own PLN. With this tools you can add magazines or sources that you are interested in where they can easily be arranged into a flipboard that is filled with your interests.

2.3. Phoster

2.3.1. This is a great tools which can be used by administrators, teachers, and students, to create stylish and creative posters. It could be used to create posters for everything from anti-bullying to content filled posters individual classrooms. Applications are endless.

2.4. Microsoft Publisher

2.4.1. Publishing by administration and teachers is a necessity to get information out to one another and to the community. This tools could be used to publish necessary information but also as an initial tool to encourage students to publish and write their own original works.

2.5. Scribus

2.5.1. Another great publishing tools. Has much in common with microsoft just a few additional tools for slightly more advanced usage in some areas. Really just a preference between the two.

3. Education Games

3.1. Winky Think Logic Puzzles

3.1.1. This tools could be great for in classroom use. It teaches students to solve problems and helps to develop logic, reasoning, and critical thinking skills at an early age.

3.2. Quick Fractions

3.2.1. Math doesn't have to be boring. Games such as this can be included in math lessons on a daily basis to help students enjoy learning. Students can develop math skills quickly with this tools at home or in the classroom.

3.3. Word Creativity Kit

3.3.1. This tools could be used for anyone giving a presentation. Administrators may not want to use this unless they were presenting at schools with younger students but that could be a good application for them. Teachers could use this in the classroom for presentations as well and recommending that students use it in their anchor projects.

3.4. Presidents Challenge

3.4.1. Another great tools to help students learn quickly while having fun. Students can use this tool at school or at home.

3.5. The Right Word

3.5.1. This development tools can be used at all levels and is needed at all levels. Students today struggle with having a wide range or vocabulary skills and are typically so limited that it hinders their communication skills. With this tool students can be encouraged to step outside of their comfort zone and to use more precise diction.

4. Collaboration

4.1. Talkboard

4.1.1. This is a great collaborative online tools that allows you to discuss ideas digitally and edit each others work while giving feedback. This is a great tool for administrators to use with teachers to collaborate on ideas and for teachers to use with students for digital collaboration.

4.2. Conference pad

4.2.1. As the title sounds this is a great tool for administrator to teacher conferencing. It could also be great for teacher to student conferencing. This tool lets you control and create presentations from an app.

4.3. OmniPlan 2

4.3.1. Great organizing and creating tool.

4.4. Note anytime

4.4.1. This tool is the equivalent of a more sophisticated note taking tool on your phone. It could be very useful for teacher but especially students. It could essentially be used as a digital planner and if the district was one to one the planner could be made entire digital.

4.5. Dropbox

4.5.1. This tool allows you to keep and organize and your digital files easily and accessible. This tool could be used in several aspect on a district wide scale by allowing all teachers to use it then administrators could drop necessary information into teachers whenever it was needed. The same schedule could be used for student to teacher work.