Government and the Economy

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Government and the Economy da Mind Map: Government and the Economy

1. What does the government do to promote economic well being?

1.1. redistribute income

1.2. provides economic stability

1.2.1. gives a common currency

1.2.2. stimulates business activity

1.3. provides antipoverty policies

1.3.1. helps the poor

1.4. This article relates back to the question because it gives an example of the government promoting well-being through social, environmental, and economic means.

2. How should government address externalizes and public goods?

2.1. limiting negative externalizes

2.1.1. command and control, market based policies

2.2. supporting positive externalizes

2.2.1. subsidies and public provision

2.3. preserving common resources

2.3.1. tolls, quotas, privatization

2.4. analyzing cost and benefits of providing public goods

2.4.1. government has to make decisions to what to make because we do not have to resources to provide everything

2.5. This article relates back to the question because it gives great examples of externalize and public goods, and ways the government has dealt with them, and the positive and negative effects that have come from it.

3. How does the government protect property rights?

3.1. Government plays big role in our economy, some people argue it plays too ig of a role

3.2. Set in the constitution the government is able to do...

3.2.1. collect taxes

3.2.2. provide for general welfare

3.2.3. borrow $

3.2.4. regulate interstate and foreign commerce

3.2.5. establish uniform bankrupsy laws

3.2.6. coin money

3.2.7. fix standard weights and currency

3.3. private ownership encourages...

3.3.1. people to take care of their property

3.3.2. make most productive use of property

3.3.3. develop property in ways to benefit people

3.4. Government establishes laws and rules designed to influence economic behavior in desirable ways

3.5. This article shows the connection to the question because it goes into detail about how property rights often proceed over human rights. It relates because it shows the positive and negatives of property rights, and the fundamental purpose of them.

4. What regulatory roles does the government play in our economy?

4.1. maintaining competition

4.1.1. works closely with Federal Trade Commission restrict illegal things that restrict competition like price fixing, bid rigging, and market devision

4.2. protecting consumers, savers and investors

4.2.1. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation insures all bank deposits

4.3. protecting workers

4.3.1. does this through Department of Labor

4.4. perils of government regulation

4.4.1. over regulation

4.4.2. balancing cost and benefits

4.4.3. regulatory capture

4.5. This article relates back to the question because it focuses on the different roles the government takes on in our economy to make it better and to keep it running. It goes into how the government can give benefits by regulating the economy, but also has its negative effects.