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Fairy Tales da Mind Map: Fairy Tales

1. Science

1.1. Talk about how things are able to change in Fairy Tales and how they change in real life (eg. Rumpelstiltskin - can you turn wool into gold?)

1.2. Formulate a hypothesis on what could happen next . . . based on the Fairy Tale we were reading and focusing on that day.

2. Math

2.1. Have the children count the different aspects of the fairy tales (How many goats, how many princesses?) Use unifix cubes to add up the different parts of the stories.

2.2. Make a glyph chart to show the students opinions on the different fairy tales. What were their favorite parts, least favorite parts. Post the glyph in the classroom and have discussions about it.

2.3. Find out how many fairy tales have numbers in their titles and talk about those (Snow White and the 7 dwarves, 3 Billy Goats gruff, etc.).

3. Movement/Physical Education

3.1. Create chants based on Fairy Tales that you can jump rope or skip to.

3.2. Talk about poetry and "rythym" and beat and see if the teacher can read a poem and the children can stay on rhythm with it.

4. Social Studies

4.1. When were these stories created? Time frames and historical perspective

4.2. What things are different about our culture and the one in the fairy tales?

4.3. Can we modernize these fairy tales and still make them apply to our lives?

4.4. What things can we learn from fairy tales. What is a moral? Is there always one in a Fairy Tale?

5. Literacy

5.1. Reading many fairy tales: Grimms, modern-day and multi-cultural

5.1.1. New node

5.2. Discussion of what constitutes a fairy tale and then in Writing center - creating your own fairy tale.

5.3. Create a classroom fairy tale with pictures of students as the characters.

6. Creative Arts

6.1. Creating backgrounds and scenery appropriate to the fairy tales.

6.2. Can we change the scenery of the book and still have it say the same thing?

6.3. Play acting/Dramatic Reading of Fairy Tales with helpful costumes (or puppets).