A Nightmare on Elm Street

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A Nightmare on Elm Street da Mind Map: A  Nightmare on Elm Street

1. Iconography

1.1. The use of low key lighting and the red filter conveys foreshadows that an appearance of evil, blood and death will be portrayed in this film which in sense creates fear, anxiety and dread for the audience.

2. Background

2.1. The location for the background denotes stereotypical conventions for a slasher film. The location of the hallway connotes that she is in some sort of building and with the tag line it connotes her home. Home is usually connotes security and in slasher films especially they use homes as their location to connote that the one place the audience should feel secure, their homes, will not help them. This means that the audience feel anxious and scared because slasher films abuse the convention of homes being secure.

3. Rule Of Third

3.1. The position of the villain and the victim is in the middle of the poster. This is done because it takes up most of the poster and the audience are focused on the positioning of the characters. The stance of the villain connotes power and the dark lighting over the face of the villain makes him unidentifiable which connotes vulnerability for the victim. She is positioned on her knees which connotes she is much weaker than the villain and the audience assumes, with the tag line, that she does not know he is behind her which makes the audience feel anxious for her and scared.

4. Theme

4.1. The theme of this movie poster is; good vs evil, serial killer and vulnerability. This can be told by the fact the girl is facing the audience and she does not know that a serial killer is behind her. The audience can see the face of the female but not the killer. All of this connotes vulnerability. This is also established through the tag line 'HE KNOWS WHERE YOU SLEEP' Which is in a subtle text and does not stand out of the page which connotes that the killer is as subtle as the tag line.