Netiquette and civility in the online classroom

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Netiquette and civility in the online classroom da Mind Map: Netiquette and civility in the online classroom

1. Should people adhere to the same standards and principles of behavior online that you follow in real life?

2. Facts

2.1. It is politeness

2.2. Closely related to ethics

2.3. Netiquette has rules

2.3.1. Ten commandments (Rinaldi, 1996a)

2.4. No one person is ruled out of netiquette

3. Resources


3.2. Scheuermann, L., & Taylor, G. (1997). Netiquette. Internet Research, 7(4), 269-273. Retrieved from

3.3. Learn the NET

3.4. Rules of Behavior

4. We are in the age of computer technology, more and more people of all different walks of life are relying on the computer for communication. The main reason is for e-mails. When one uses online there are some basic rules that one should follow.

4.1. Email can reflect positivity or negatively on your professional image.

4.2. Emails is required in online learning