User Map Profile

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User Map Profile da Mind Map: User Map Profile

1. demographics

2. Significant Places

2.1. List of significant Places (5211)

2.1.1. Mood delivers foursquare list of potential venues

2.2. Get better dots (5229)

2.3. foursquare

2.3.1. story1

2.3.2. story2

3. Confirmed Venues

3.1. Add one or multiple confirmed venues (5222)

3.1.1. Remove from Significant Visits

3.2. List confirmed venues (5215) now as part of 5211

3.2.1. total times visited

3.2.2. last visit

3.2.3. foursquare ID

3.3. Remove from confirmed venues

3.3.1. adds to blocked venues

3.4. Auto Checkin based on past checkin (5265)

3.5. Reminder when within certain distance of a confirmed place and same time of a recommended place (5264)

4. Blocked Venues

4.1. List blocked Venues (5212)

4.1.1. Remove from 5211

4.1.2. Remove from Confirmed Visits

4.2. add blocked venue (5228)

5. Cross Visit Detection

5.1. Users Crossed Visit Detection Trigger (5261)

5.2. Crossed Visit Recommended List (5262)

5.2.1. Dedupe if already on guest user list

5.3. List of crossed Visits (5263)

5.3.1. already crossed paths before

6. Place Profile

6.1. A Place Profile

6.1.1. Weather (when is it popular?)

6.1.2. Attendance by hour

6.1.3. Total Attendance

6.1.4. Group visits

6.2. Flow to and from a confirmed place

6.2.1. Once confirmed we can see all the flow for those visits

7. Friends within an Area

7.1. Friends within bounding box

8. Flow Map

8.1. One Week model

8.1.1. All Vibe Data for anywhere in world

8.1.2. Create suitable flow

8.2. My Flow

8.2.1. Add my flow to the flow service flag for user only flow

9. Gamification

9.1. Leaderboard (5266)

9.1.1. Total amount of recommendations that were followed

9.1.2. Total amount of recommendations shared

10. On-boarding

11. Recommendations

11.1. Context Engine

12. Squad-PewPew

12.1. AV-5336 Show All Pulse Users Flow in Pulse App

12.1.1. AV-5341 Flow Model using Vibe Location Tracks

12.1.2. AV-5342 All Vibe Location tracks from the beggining of time

12.1.3. AV-5343 One week Model broken down per hour for all zooms

12.1.4. AV-5344 Aggregate all days of the week for a one week model

12.2. AV-5340 Place Flow

12.2.1. AV-5340 Web App to display place flow

12.2.2. Not realtime

12.3. AV-5338 Place Data

12.3.1. Histogram AV-5347 Show Time Histogram AV-5348 Show Duration Histogram AV-5349 Show Number of Visits Weather Context

12.3.2. AV-5350 Top 5 next Place(s)

12.3.3. AV-5351 Top 5 next Place(s) by time

12.3.4. AV-5352 Group Details Count wether people go to the venue on a group their own

12.3.5. AV-5353 Reverse Geocoding based on raw location records Better located Places People confirming places - use that data for pattern detection

12.3.6. Turist trap or local gem?

12.4. AV-5339 My Paths

12.4.1. AV-5345 Web App with paths snapped to road start with USA (California, NYC) then Europe and Rest of World (break down into different stories)

12.5. AV-5337 Show Individual Pulse Flow in Pulse App

12.5.1. AV-5354 Indivdual Pulse Flow

12.5.2. realtime!

13. Squad-Mood

13.1. Cross Path Recommendations

13.1.1. Supporting Pulse App

13.1.2. iOS CL Visits

13.2. Messaging Architecture of Pipeline

13.3. Recomendation Engine

13.3.1. Have you heard of Tinder Lunch

13.3.2. Recommendations

14. squad-goatherders

14.1. Creating Prod Environment

14.1.1. Databases

14.1.2. Services

14.1.3. Monitoring Icinga Graphana

14.1.4. Code Freeze! In place till Monday!!! This is not going to happen every release!

14.1.5. Alerting OpsGenie

14.2. Automation

14.3. Supporting Other Squads

15. 15.07