The Criminal

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The Criminal da Mind Map: The Criminal

1. Behavioral

1.1. How an organism learn new behaviors or modify existing ones, depending on whether events in their environments reward or punish these behaviors.

1.1.1. John Bender shares with everyone how his family hates him and does not get rewarded for anything, however, the father rewards John by pushing him further down the criminal path by supplying John with cigarettes.

2. Defense Mechanism-

2.1. His defense mechanism is projection and displacement. He places ones own unacceptable thoughts onto others. He also expresses feelings that would be threatening if directed at the real target onto a less threatening substitute target.

2.1.1. He uses this defense mechanism against a lot of people in the movie. He feels that he overpowers everyone and is better than them so he can take advantage of them. He does this to Brian a lot. He takes advantage of him and makes him do stuff that he doesn't want to do. He also says a lot of hurtful things to him.

3. Extravert- he's a very talkative person and he's not afraid to say what he wants.

3.1. He doesn't hold back anything. Whatever his mind thinks, he says it. It's more unconscious than anything. Whoever the person may be, he doesn't care. He will say what he has to say to them.

4. Psychoanalytic Perspective

4.1. His personality is ID because he is impulsive and seeks immediate pleasure.

4.1.1. He gets pleasure for what he does. He loves to humiliate others and seeks joy through doing it. It's only till the end of the movie where he realizes that he is really hurting others, and his personality slightly changes.

5. Social-Emotional Development

5.1. His parents raised him neglectfully which caused him to be very not responsible, have a low interest in school, have trouble making friends, and withdrawn from others

6. Role-Playing

6.1. Set of expectations about a social postion, definning how those in the position ought to behave

6.1.1. Bender kept enforcing his social position of criminal by doing bad things at detention like smoking, broke the door, moving from his seat, walking around the school, breaking out of the closet, and being disrespectful.

7. Foot-in-the-door phenomenon

7.1. Have people agreed to a small request then comply later to a larger request

7.1.1. Bender used this concept to manipulate everyone so he started off small with moving around and it influenced everyone to, then he broke the door to have more freedom and everyone else followed through. He worked his way up to get everyone to walk around the school with him to get his weed. They did and they also smoked it with him.