Race In Latin Americas 1920-Present

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Race In Latin Americas 1920-Present da Mind Map: Race In Latin Americas 1920-Present

1. Brazil and Myth of Racial Democracy

1.1. The UNESCO-sponsored research developed new racial debates, bringing new insights and essentially reduced race to class.

2. Asian Immigration to Latin America

2.1. Asians established small communities throughout the America's.

2.2. Asian communities began as a result of Spain establishing the Manila galleon trade. This linked China, Japan, via Philippines to Europe.

2.3. After becoming an independent of Spain Peru, and the colony of Cuba imported Chinese laborers for cheap labor to work on sugar plantations.

2.3.1. Contracts usually lasted 8 years between 1847-1974 250,000 chinos were imported.

2.3.2. Usually this labor was more of slave like conditions for the chinese who were not truly free during the time of their contract.

2.4. Chinese landed on Mexico in 1876 and entered as small entrepeneurs as opposed to Cheap labor in the United States. Eventually monopolized a small commercial sector of the economy.

3. Afro Mexicans

3.1. Forgotten minority, not acknowledged as a separate race in Mexico. Like most oppressed groups in the America's they are pushed into poor areas.

3.2. Video depicted how Afro Mexicans are considered to be Mexican and only Mexican as they helped build Mexico. 250,000 Africans estimated to be shipped to the Mexico Area.

3.3. First freed African Slaves in the Americas took place in Mexico.

4. Mapuche In Chile

4.1. The Mapuch indigenous of Chile have suffered due to Chile's deforesting industry. This industry has rid the Mapuche of their land by cutting down trees and planting trees that suck up too much water. These actions greatly damage the mapuches agricultural lifestyle.

5. Guarani in Brazil

5.1. Have lost most of their land and are being bullied by ranchers and shot down at site. They have 46,000 members and most of the land that has been taken away from them is in Brazil.

6. Zapatistaz

6.1. Strong Rebellious movement that began in Chiapas. Strongly against the globalization and actions that go against the indigenous community of Mexico.