Post US Civil War

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Post US Civil War da Mind Map: Post US Civil War

1. Spanish American War

1.1. Allowed the United States to expand their territory. First incline of imperialism for US government. Ended with a treaty.

2. White Negroes and Smoked Irish

2.1. o Penal Laws Ruled the Irish

2.2. Catholics not allowed to vote, part. Parliament or public office or live within the limits of a incorporated town.

2.3. Cath. Not allowed to teach or tutor or participate in anything that involved education.

2.4. Controlled every aspect of irish life, civil, domestic, and spiritual.

2.5. Regular case of oppression

3. How did Jews Become White Folks?

3.1. Jews Became white through education. Originally despised by society they took opportunities to specialize in fields such as medicine, dentistry, and law. Took advantage of GI Bill offered. And eventually were given those benefits in full when qualified. This was not the case for African Americans and women.

4. Jim Crow

4.1. The Jim Crow laws were a set of laws that impacted newly freed African Americans. . It relegated them to “second class citizens”. It made African Americans follow a set of laws where they were equal but separate to their white counterparts. Allowed Whites to commit crimes against african americans.

4.2. Under Jim Crow African Americans were not allowed to Vote.

5. Plessy V. Ferguson

5.1. This was a famous court case where Plessy only 1/8th black was arrested for riding a white car. Fought to get case overturned and lost. First real court case to challenge the Jim Crow laws and lifestyle to be unconstitutional.

6. Emancipation Proclamation

6.1. This document under President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery and ended the civil war.