Plan for promoting Social Inclusion, understanding, and mutual respect

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Plan for promoting Social Inclusion, understanding, and mutual respect da Mind Map: Plan for promoting Social Inclusion, understanding, and mutual respect

1. Phillipino-American students and the promotion of goal orientation

1.1. What will i do to address the issue?

1.1.1. I will develop a plan for implementing short-term and long-term goals for students to accomplish

1.2. How will i address this issue?

1.2.1. I want to provide a clear and concise goal for students to achieve by the end of my lesson. I want to show students goals are important, and the steps we take to make them are very important.

1.2.2. I will help students at different times throughout the year to show them what they have accomplished, and what they need to accomplish.

1.2.3. It is important to show students that hard work and dedication can pave the way for educational success

1.3. Who will address this issue?

1.3.1. I will work collaboratively with other educators to come up with our goals for students

1.4. Where will students address this issue?

1.4.1. I want to show students that is is important to have goals not only in the classroom, but in our everyday lives as well.

1.5. Why is this an issue?

1.5.1. Children of Filipino immigrants are actually becoming less and less educated, with low college acceptance rates.

1.5.2. The problem may be due in part to wanting a quick result, and seeing the importance of long-term goals

1.6. How will I know if my plan is successful?

1.6.1. Students will have their short term and long term goals outlined and will be able to explain how to achieve and the benefits for doing so

2. Mexican-American students and their ability to connect with their teachers, peers, and schools affect how well they do in school.

2.1. What is my plan to address this issue?

2.1.1. Implement more projects where students will have to work together, while proving enough encouragement for students to succeed.

2.2. How will I address this issue?

2.2.1. I need to develop a strong bond with students to gain mutual respect while allowing for inter-student bonding to occur as well.

2.2.2. I can use my lessons to embrace cultural differences and avoid steretyping

2.2.3. Create lessons that allow students to communicate and work together so they can get to know each other more better

2.3. Who will address this issue?

2.3.1. I would collaborate with other teachers to gain new ideas and find new ways to implement instruction

2.4. Where will students address this issue?

2.4.1. In their classroom during our lessons, with the hope that students will take what they learn and apply to all aspects of life

2.5. Why is this an issue?

2.5.1. Children of immigrants, specifically Hispanic descent, are among the least educated in the U.S. currently. It is a problem that needs to be fixed in our school systems

2.6. When will this issue be addressed?

2.6.1. I would hope to address this problem and implement solutions in any classroom I would have in the future. I think especially teaching in the U.S. there are more chances to have peers of many cultural backgrounds

2.7. How will I know if my plan is successful?

2.7.1. Students will show more motivation to be successful

2.7.2. Students show more participation in classroom activities and are generally more engaged in lessons

2.7.3. Students will have closer, personal ties with their teachers (me) and peers