Are GP's misadvising their patients in regards to quitting smoking

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Are GP's misadvising their patients in regards to quitting smoking da Mind Map: Are GP's misadvising their patients in regards to quitting smoking

1. Non pharmacotherapy strategies

1.1. Cold turkey

1.2. Hypnotherapy

1.3. E-cigs

2. Are GP's giving the right information to patients

2.1. How are GP's educated on quitting strategies

2.2. Are GP's given the correct information

2.3. How do GP's determine which strategy will work for each individual

3. What are cigarettes

3.1. What is in a cigarette

3.2. Why do people smoke

3.3. How harmful is smoking

4. What is pharmacotherapy

4.1. What are pharmacotherapy strategies

4.2. Have smokers been successful in quitting via these strategies

4.3. Are there side effects