My Foundations of Education

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My Foundations of Education da Mind Map: My Foundations of Education

1. Schools as Organizations

1.1. Alabama has two senators, Richard Shelby and Jefferson Sessions. There are seven districts and a representative for each.

1.2. The House of Representatives for Alabama are as follows: District 1-Bradley Byrne, District 2-Martha Roby, District 3- Mike Rogers, District 4- Robert Aderholt, District 5-Mo Brooke, District 6- Gary Palmer, and District 7- Terri Sewell.

1.3. Tommy Bice is the Alabama State Superintendent.

1.4. Representatives for the Alabama school board are Robert J, Bentley (president), Thomas R. Bice (Secretary and Executive Officer), Jeffery Newman (Vice President, District 07), Yvette Richardson (District 04), Matthew S .Brown (District 01), Betty Peters (District 02), Stephanie Bell (District 03), Ella B. Bell (District 05), Cynthia McCarty (District 06), Mary Hunter (District 08).

1.5. The Jackson County Superintendent is Dr. Bart Reeves,

1.6. The Jackson County Board of Education members are as follows: John Lyda (President), Cecil Gant (Vice President), Kenneth Storey, Charles West, and Chad Gorham.

2. Curriculum and Pedagogy

2.1. The humanist curriculum reflects ideas from the Idealists.

2.2. The humanist curriculum believes that students should be taught the best of what has been taught already.

2.3. I think that this curriculum would benefit students greatly. It is the cornerstone of an education citizenry.

2.4. For sociological curriculum, I would choose the general functionalist theory.

2.5. It is the work of Emile Durkheim

2.6. The theory is the social and moral breakdown initiated by modernization.

3. Equality of Opportunity

3.1. Educational achievement for women was no easy task.

3.2. From the graph "Trends in NAEP Average Reading Scale Scores for 17-Year-Old Students by Gender", In 1973 until 1985, females had higher scores than males. In 1986, males and females were even. From 1992-1999, females scored lower and finally in 2004-2008, females were back on top,

3.3. In a similar graph judging mathematics for 13-year-olds, females started with scores that were below male and continued that way during the course of the graph (1973-2008)

3.4. 87.6 percent of females graduated from high school and 29.8 percent received a college degree. This is from the U.S. Bureau of the Census in 2012.

3.5. I agree with Coleman's findings. I, too, believe that students seem to perform better at the rate of middle-class. It is easier for a low-class student to perform well in a middle-class setting than for a middle-class student to succeed in a high-class setting.

3.6. I can see where some people do not agree with all of Coleman's findings, but after much studying, I agree with him.

4. Educational Reform and School Improvement

4.1. A helpful link for educational reform is

4.2. The Office of Educational Research and Improvement funded 12 studies to research various aspects of reform in 1991.

4.3. Societal reforms aim to try and gradually change the pressing topic.

4.4. For community reform, the following is a great site:

4.5. Reforms can be a very powerful tool if they are backed with a strong and committed force.

4.6. Political reform link:

5. Educational Inequality

5.1. Functionalists believe that the role of schools is to supply a fair selection process for picking out the brightest students, regardless of family background.

5.2. Functionalists also expect that school will produce unequal results.

5.3. In the 1980's educational researchers examined the myriad processes within the schools that explained the sources of unequal academic achievement.

5.4. They are as follows: school financing, effective school research, between-school differences, within-school differences, and gender and schooling.

5.5. Children from different socioeconomic backgrounds receive different equality of opportunity.

5.6. I personally believe that federal aid would equalize school funding.

6. Politics of Education

6.1. The Liberal Perspective is originates from the 12th century.

6.2. The Liberal view became politically correct during Franklin Delano Roosevelt's time in office. this time frame was also known as The New Deal.

6.3. The liberal perspective is primarily concerned with balancing the economic productivity of capitalism with that of the social and economic needs of needs of the major part of the country.

6.4. Progressive visions view the school as a central aspect in solving issues.

6.5. The school is also considered as "avehicle for upward mobility" (Exploring Education,k p. 26).

6.6. Progressive visions are linked with Liberal views.

7. History of US Education

7.1. The Free Speech Movement by Mario Savio is one of the most important educational movements.

7.2. The Free Speech Movement originated in 1964.

7.3. The following website is very educational:

7.4. Harvard college was the first college located in the American Colonies.

7.5. Women began to attend strictly male Ivy League universities in 1969.

7.6. Universities include: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Brown, Pennsylvania, and Dartmouth.

7.7. This was a monumental move in the history of education as women were finally able to receive the same education as men were. They were starting to be noticed by society.

8. Sociological Perspectives

8.1. Teachers making kids do something like saying the pledge of allegiance is teaching them citizenship and showing patriotism.

8.2. Equal education is very important as it gives all students the same chance to reach for their dreams.

8.3. The more discipline a student places on themselves, the more they will achieve.

8.4. Students should be taught to think and behave like a positive member of society.

8.5. Students believe that graduating from college will increase their chances of having a successful career.

8.6. The more education a person has, the more likely they are to read newspapers and take part in public affairs.

9. Philosophy of Education

9.1. The role of a teacher is to teach in a way that students can open up and express themselves.

9.2. A curriculum is the basic studies of science, math, reading and writing, and the humanities.

9.3. Generic notions is how a person should create and find themselves.

9.4. The method of instruction is the method in which a teacher performs their lesson.

9.5. Method of instruction varies from teacher to teacher. It also varies for each subject/grade being taught.

9.6. The goal of education is for students to hunt for the truth as individuals and to be prepared to face the real world.

9.7. Key researchers include internet sources, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies, and personal interviews.