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Demonstrative Pronoun da Mind Map: Demonstrative Pronoun

1. that sea

2. that I cute

3. those tables

4. that table

5. those seas

6. that apple   that pear   that ugly these apples these pears.

7. This is money   this has roses they have money   these have roses. denote sercania

8. Exaple

9. Example

9.1. This toy is Ana and this is Mio These toys are Ana and these are Mine

10. Relative distance between two objects , between a person and a thing, and two people

11. Indicate

12. That, that, that, those, those. denote remoteness

13. that, that, that, those, those. denote average distance

14. This, this, this, this. denote sercania

15. types of demonstrative pronoun

16. Generoy Number

17. They vary from hanging:

18. distance the wing's data with respect to the issuer indicated.

19. They fall into