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Solar Energy da Mind Map: Solar Energy

1. Many people all over the world who are living in under developed countries need something that is efficient and won't cause them to have to harvest firewood to cook and boil water.

2. The use of solar ovens is effective and they are cheap to make.

2.1. Cost about $5.00

3. Many non-profit groups are taking trips over seas to help people living in developing countries learn about solar cookers and begin to use them.

4. What implications does this have on us?

4.1. When other people are able to cook without having to burn firewood, this saves the air, and the natural resources on this planet stay intact.

5. How can we create our own solar cooker/oven?

6. The sun is emitting much heat that radiates down to earth.

7. Using the Suns energy we are able to cook food and boil water.