Miss Petersen's Class

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Miss Petersen's Class da Mind Map: Miss Petersen's Class

1. Social Studies

1.1. This page will have what the kids are learning in Social studies in class and also history facts, what homework is due that week, and when test are held.

1.1.1. I will include infographics so they can see what we are doing in that subject that week. I will also include different animations to the page.

2. Reading

2.1. This page will have what the kids are learning in Reading in class and also recommended books, what homework is due that week, and when test are held.

2.1.1. I will include infographics so they can see what we are doing in that subject that week. I will also include different animations to the page.

3. Writing

3.1. This page will have what the kids are learning in writing in class and also practice writing games, what homework is due that week, and when test are held.

3.1.1. I will include infographics so they can see what we are doing in that subject that week. I will also include different animations to the page.

4. Science

4.1. This page will have what the kids are learning in science in class and also science games, what homework is due that week, and when test are held.

4.1.1. I will include infographics so they can see what we are doing in that subject that week. I will also include different animations to the page.

5. Home

5.1. This page will give a brief description of my website and also have a calendar of what is happening through out the year.

5.1.1. For this page I have embedded a calendar for events that are happening through out the school year. I will also insert a canva design of a flyer of important things that are happening that week. This will also change frequently. I will also include a screencast n how to use this website and different main points on how it works.

6. About

6.1. My About page will have a few paragraphs about who I am and my interest and also a picture of me.

6.1.1. In my about me page I inserted a picture that I edited. I will also insert a google form for my students and their parents can fill out so I can learn more about them.

7. Contact

7.1. For the contact page will be were my phone number and email will be and also a contact box that is already sent to my email.

7.1.1. In my contact page I have inserted a question column that would be sent directly to my email. I will also include how to get to our classroom app were they an access what homework is due and games to practice what they are learning.

8. Math

8.1. This page will have what the kids are learning in math in class and also math games, what homework is due that week, and when test are held.

8.1.1. For the math tab I will include infographics so they can see what we are doing in that subject that week. I will also include different animations to the page.