Web Awareness + Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

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Web Awareness + Digital Citizenship in the Classroom da Mind Map: Web Awareness + Digital Citizenship in the Classroom

1. Personal Information

1.1. Schools and parents need to make students aware of the dangers that come with having personal information made public.

1.1.1. Hackers can access information to try to scam for money

1.1.2. Easy for people to know where you're going to be; dangerous

1.1.3. It is becoming harder to set good security settings online (i.e. Facebook)

1.2. Advertisers can easily get information and target kids and teens

1.2.1. Online Shopping can become habitual/addicting

1.2.2. Ads on websites like Facebook will be tailored to the things they've noticed you look at online

1.2.3. These ads can also market for pornographic sites and insecure dating sites

2. Explicit, and Incorect Material

2.1. False information can easily be posted

2.1.1. Lies; photoshop

2.1.2. Fake articles (the onion, etc.)

2.1.3. Scammers and shakers creating fake profiles

2.2. Easy access to Pornography + Sexually explicit Material

2.2.1. Affects of pornography on brain and realtionships Creates a drive for lust over love

2.2.2. Snap chat and sexting Contributes to the sexualization of women; does not portray women for their worth

3. Online Etiquette + Cyberbullying

3.1. Teachers should make students aware of how to communicate on the internet and warn them about cyber bullying

3.1.1. Young men can easily manipulate young girls through sexting (bully them, post photos online, etc).

3.1.2. Easier way to bully than face-face (less ownership) Suicides among teens have been caused because of cyber bullying. Show student's it still effects people even if it isn't face-face Have the students play games that teach about cyberbullying, such as WebWiseKids

3.2. Respect for personal property online

3.2.1. Who owns the photo you want to use; giving credit properly.

3.2.2. Who's information is this; do I have a right to share this online?

3.2.3. Is this information about this person true?