How mental disorders are portrayed in the media?

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How mental disorders are portrayed in the media? da Mind Map: How mental disorders are portrayed in the media?

1. Tv/Movies

1.1. Degrassi

1.1.1. Emma in Season 4 suffers from PTSD and in turn ends up in risky behavior and gets an STD.

1.1.2. Ellie father leaves on a Peace Keeping duty across seas. Her mother can't stand the loneliness and ends up drinking. This with stress of school and potential work leads Ellie to cut herself. **WHICH IS PUBLIC ON TV** She then later on gets treatment.

1.2. Suicide Room

1.3. Cyberbully

2. Music

2.1. Adam's Song

2.2. Fucking Perfect

2.3. Breathe Me

2.4. When She Cries

2.5. Mad World

3. Literature

3.1. 13 Reasons Why

3.2. Perks of being a Wallflower

4. Websites

4.1. Tumblr

4.2. Twitter