Marketing Mix

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Marketing Mix da Mind Map: Marketing Mix

1. Price

1.1. Cost to Customers

1.2. Small price of advertising

1.3. Selling items

2. Advertising

2.1. Survey

2.2. Banners

2.3. Brochures

2.4. Social Media

2.4.1. Facebook

2.4.2. Instagram

2.4.3. Twitter

2.4.4. Tumblr

2.4.5. Email

2.5. Website

3. People

3.1. Staff

3.1.1. Project specifications

3.1.2. End User requirements

3.1.3. Action points sign-off

3.2. Customers

3.2.1. Define actions as necessary

3.3. Advertising

4. Product

4.1. Tours

4.1.1. Materials

4.1.2. Personel

4.1.3. Services

4.1.4. Duration

4.2. Merchandise

4.3. Calling service

4.4. Face ro face services