Popular Social Media for Education

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Popular Social Media for Education da Mind Map: Popular Social Media for Education

1. Instagram

1.1. Perfect for photography and creative classes

1.2. helps with visual interpretation skills

1.3. Not great for all types of classes because it is picture based

2. Skype

2.1. Amazing for language classes. Ex. practicing a foreign language with native speakers

2.2. Mcintosh uses skype to teach more students latin; outreach

2.3. often technical difficulties

2.4. Scheduling issues

3. Twitter

3.1. Great for feedback; community opinion

3.2. Since its only 140 characters, it increases summarization skills

3.3. News source

3.4. Still social media

3.5. Teachers hesitant to use because of the pop culture aspect

4. Facebook

4.1. Easy to get sidetracked

4.2. Great for communication; class page

5. Youtube

5.1. You can upload videos as part of a project

5.2. Look up tutorials for extra lessons

5.3. Its blocked on the school server

5.4. Videos take a while to make and watch; time consuming