Give personnel experiences of myself cutting weight for wrestling. Such as what i experience and ...

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Give personnel experiences of myself cutting weight for wrestling. Such as what i experience and how it effects me. da Mind Map: Give personnel experiences of myself cutting weight for wrestling. Such as what i experience and how it effects me.

1. State thesis that Cutting weight for wrestling is unhealthy and dangerous.

1.1. State first claim that cutting weight for a sport affects the body very rapidly and noticeably.

1.1.1. State second claim of the long standing effects of cutting weight such as stunted growth and eating disorders. State third claims of examples of severe cases and how common it is to potentially die from this or be sent to the hospital. Rebuttal, Cutting weight for a sport has purpose, it drives wrestlers, and gives them more glory, but it may seem worth it in the moment but it could be very hazardous to there health, and isn't truly worth it..