MCRC(Milton Community Resource Centre

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MCRC(Milton Community Resource Centre da Mind Map: MCRC(Milton Community Resource Centre

1. Some services offered are:

1.1. Family resource program, parent resource library, early literacy initiative, before and after school programs

2. Provide enhanced support for students with culturally diverse backgrounds

2.1.  Create an atmosphere which builds upon individual learning styles, interests, and celebrates the cultural and ethnic diversity of the children and their families

2.2.  Be culturally sensitive and endeavor to remove all barriers which prevent acceptance and accessibility for children in the classroom

3. Contact MCRC

3.1. 410 Bronte Street South Milton, ON L9T 0H8 905-876-1244 ext. 210

4. The Mission

4.1. The creative and innovative leadership of MCRC with the Halton community will develop and deliver services to inspire and support children, their families and professionals.

5. The Vision

5.1. A safe, caring community where children and families are valued, grow and succeed.