My Course Project CIS 201

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My Course Project CIS 201 da Mind Map: My Course Project CIS 201

1. Web Conferncing

1.1. My Hangouts in Google is a web conferencing tool to setup meetings to collaborate with your google connections.

2. Document Storage

2.1. Google has a MyDrive feature that stores and organizes documents, presentations, contacts all in one space for easy access.

2.1.1. Destinations

3. Social Media

3.1. Social media is a tool to keep people and organizations connected for various reasons. There are many social media outlets such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to name a few.


4. Web 2.0 Applications

4.1. Web 2.0 applications are used primarily to teach. Some the 2.0 applications used for my CIS 201 include: Voki, Prezi, ToonDoo, Wordle, Symbaloo, Snacktools.


5. Future Use

5.1. I plan to utilize what I have learned and incorporate these tools in my job. I currently use google applications for my job, and with what I have learned in this course, I will be more effective and organized. Utilizing social media and the Web 2.0 applications, I can create a fun and informative presentation that is captivating to my audience.