Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression fr...

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Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? da Mind Map: Q7: Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

1. Due to only being able to use the free version of this software I am unable to place any images on this page, if you wish to see any images please visit my blog at http://hasanibrahimasmedia.blogspot.co.uk/

2. Preliminary task developments

3. One of the main developments in the preliminary task was making sure I found a model who was comfortable and also free when he/ she was needed

4. In addition I have aslo thought about how I want my price, masthead and cover line to be positioned, making sure I had put them in the perfect place where it would catch the readers eye wanting them to buy the product, this in turn would make my magazine look much more professional as, main features would be placed as they would in a real magazine

5. Developments

5.1. One of the first things that I wanted to develop was colour. In order to this I wanted to choose a colour that would suit the type of imagery I was trying to create, but would not clash with the text that was put on top. this was one of the main things that I improved on in my Sound wave magazine as I have taken careful consideration on the choice of colour that used and the colour of the text. In addition the colour of the Puff/Flash was very important as I wanted it to gain the readers attention however with a bright flash such as bright red which was used in my college magazine made it very hard to concentrate on the text itself. One example of using correct colours is when I used a dark grey background then on top of that I placed white text, this made the text stand out very clearly and easy to read.

6. A second development I made was font and text size. By making font bolder and larger I knew it would mean that, that text would be the first to be read. therefore I made my masthead and the cover line very large and bold in order to draw the reader in with the attractive and interesting cover line.

7. A third development that I made was in the photography. In my college magazine the front cover has a picture of a student however you cannot see his face due to it being covered by the camera. For my soundwave magazine I learnt from this and made sure my models face was visible at all time an if there was a picture where his face was covered it was covered by shadow allowing the face to still be seen on partially seen. In addition I used a better quality camera for soundwave magazine. this made it much easier to enlarge images without creating blur, in addition it made the images look very crisp and made it look even more like a real music magazine

8. My final development was the positioning of features by looking at my case studies NME and Q I compared where they had put features such as mast head, skyline, flashes, cocer lines and pull quotes. after doing this I placed my ones in similar places so that my magazine would look much more professional. In addition to this I also improved my editing skills as it really tested weather I was able to look at something and replicate it in my own way with my own ideas.