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Tipologie di Curation da Mind Map: Tipologie di Curation

1. Canali di Video Curati

1.1. Chunnel TV

1.2. Vidque

1.3. Newslook

1.4. Devour

2. Canali di Real-Time News su Twitter

2.1. Tweetmeme

2.2. Championist

2.3. Muck Rack - Technology

2.4. Venture Maven

2.5. Dvlprs - Ajax

2.6. Giant Red Carpet - Actors

2.7. InkPill - Web Design

2.8. - FashionFeed

3. Canali di Notizie Curate

3.1. Arts & Letters Daily

3.2. The Huffington Post

3.3. Drudge Report

3.4. Poynter - Romenesko Latest News

3.5. Abnormal Returns

3.6. The Week - World Business

3.7. SmartBrief

3.8. MarketWatch Bi-Weekly

3.9. Liqurious - What's your poison

3.10. Dicole Radar

3.11. MediaGazer

3.12. WeSmirch

3.13. Ballbug - MLB Buzz Bot - Baseball news

3.14. Techmeme

4. Aggregatori di Notizie Curate e Distribuite

4.1. Slashdot

4.2. NowPublic

4.3. Newser


5. Sintesi di Notizie Curate ed Elenchi di Link

5.1. Web Developer's Handbook

5.2. Best Online Collaboration Tools - 2010-2011

5.3. FeedMyApp

5.4. Robin Good's Bookmarks

5.5. Twitter - Most Influential In Tech

5.6. Blogroll

5.7. News Summary

6. Guide e Superguide Curate

6.1. SEOMoz - SEO Factors - Most Important SEO Factors

6.2. RSSTop55 - Best RSS Directories and Search Engines

6.3. Smashing Magazine - 25 Useful Videos and Presentations For Designers

6.4. PCWorld - 50 Tools To Speed Up Your PC

6.5. MasterNewMedia - The Video Encoding Guide

6.6. Social Media Examiner - Top 10 Facebook Pages

6.7. Tsunami 2005 - All of The Video Clips

7. Aggregatori Automatizzati di Notizie Distribuite - I Memetracker


7.2. Reddit

7.3. Wikio

7.4. Yahoo Buzz

8. Aggregatori di Notizie Automatizzati

8.1. Google News

8.2. Megite

8.3. Topix

8.4. NewsNow

8.5. Blogrunner - Technology

8.6. AllTop - Blogging

8.7. Buzztap - NBA