What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11?

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What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11? da Mind Map: What is at the center of Huckleberry Finn chapters 8-11?

1. Chapter 8

1.1. I Spare Miss Watson's Jim

1.1.1. "Well i believe you, huck. I run off."

2. Chapter 9

2.1. The House of Death Floats By

2.1.1. "It's a dead man. Yes, indeedy; naked, too. He's ben shot in de back. I reck'n he's ben dead two er three days. Come in, Huck, but doan' look at his face—it's too gashly."

3. Chapter 10

3.1. What Comes of Handlin' Snake-Skin

3.1.1. "It's YOU, at last!—AIN'T it?"

4. Chapter 11

4.1. They're After Us