Solar Energy Solutions

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Solar Energy Solutions da Mind Map: Solar Energy Solutions

1. Home

1.1. Video: Presentation on solar technologies

1.2. Homepage with a video presentation and a short overview

2. Purpose: To inform the public about the benefits of using solar power versus other energy technologies

3. About

3.1. Basic background information about how solar radiation is harvested

3.1.1. Written paragraphs with incorporated diagrams

4. Contact

4.1. Contact information for more information on the subject

4.1.1. Links: provide links that will work when directing the user to the resource

5. References

5.1. List of sources used in this website

5.1.1. Bibliography in APA format

6. Why Solar?

6.1. A couple of paragraphs explaining why solar is the most sustainable source of energy and why we need to invest our efforts into it in the future

6.1.1. Diagrams and animations (Gifs?)