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Vocal Wisdom da Mind Map: Vocal Wisdom

1. About

1.1. Tells you what the website is about and what it offers to the consumer.

1.1.1. App Prototype: I will use an app prototype for consumers to ask questions.

2. Home

2.1. All icons are shown for you to click. Get Started page. Questions concerning the service. Weekly quotes(not necessarily having to do with voice.)

2.1.1. Logo: I will use a logo that will appear in all the pages.

3. Performance

3.1. The creator of the website shares videos on performing songs.

3.1.1. Video Project: I will build a video that shows me singing several songs.

4. Exercises

4.1. Ways to imporve your singing voice.

4.1.1. Video Project: I will build a video that show examples on how to do certain exercises.

5. Tips

5.1. A page that advises singers how to improve their voice.

5.1.1. Photo Editing: I will upload photos to enhance the imagery on some of the tips.

6. Time Management

6.1. Progress report about what you're doing to rehearse and improve your singing voice.

6.1.1. Excel: Consumers will be able to create and print out a chart on the steps they want to do to master their performance skills.