Students will be able to calculate the molar mass of a given compound.

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Students will be able to calculate the molar mass of a given compound. da Mind Map: Students will be able to calculate the molar mass of a given compound.

1. Interests

1.1. Cooking

1.1.1. Show the connection between cooking and chemistry. A chemical formula is just a recipe.

1.1.2. Have the students take a chemical formula and write the recipe for that formula.

1.2. Computers

1.2.1. Have student create a molecular model on the computer and label the atoms with their atomic mass and show the molecular mass.

1.2.2. Have students use online games or apps to reinforce concepts.

2. Learning profiles

2.1. Visual/Spacial learner

2.1.1. Use molecular modeling kits and have students build the compounds. After students have done that have them assign the proper mass to each atom and label the atom with it's mass. Then have them break the compound down count each type of atom and calculate the molar mass.

2.1.2. Use YouTube video to reinforce what is being taught.

2.2. Verbal Linguistic

2.2.1. Ask students to orally explain the steps of calculating the molar mass to the teacher.

2.2.2. Have students direct another student who is at the board how to do a problem.

3. Readiness levels

3.1. Higher Math Skills

3.1.1. Give students an opportunity to attempt bonus questions.

3.1.2. Have students be the teacher. I sit in their seat and they take my place to explain a problem. Being able to teach a concept shows greater understanding.

3.2. Lower Math Skills

3.2.1. Teach students to break the problem down to smaller easier problems. Write the symbol for each atom. Next to the symbol write the number of that type of atom in the compound. Then find the atom on the periodic chart and find the mass and write that number down. Use information to solve problems.

3.2.2. Review calculator skills. Students will lower math skills often struggle to use a calculator properly.