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Gender da Mind Map: Gender

1. Roles

1.1. Present

1.1.1. women and men are given equal opportunities to be homemakers or provide for the family

1.2. Effect

1.2.1. [present] women can show their true potential

1.2.2. [present] women are given more opportunities and are no longer required to fit into the gender role of being a homemaker

1.2.3. [past] men are also free to do whatever they want

1.2.4. [past] men could have perceived women's role as solely to reproduce and rear the family

1.3. Past

1.3.1. women are typically homemakers and are "supposed to" give up their careers for the sake of the family this is because very little women were literate

1.3.2. men are typically the providers and are "supposed to" pursue their careers in order to earn wages and a source of livelihood for the family

2. Gender Equality

2.1. Economy

2.2. Education

2.3. Work

2.4. Home

2.5. Leadership