Digital Tools and Strategies for Online Learning Success

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Digital Tools and Strategies for Online Learning Success da Mind Map: Digital Tools and Strategies for Online Learning Success

1. Some digital tools may be deemed critical for the online learning environment.

1.1. Internet literacy is the most important digital tool for being successful in your online learning environment.

1.1.1. Course Content

1.2. Research

1.3. Productivity Software is also an important tool in the online classroom.

1.3.1. Microsoft Office

1.3.2. Keyboarding

1.4. Email

1.4.1. Communication

1.4.2. Sending and receiving file attachments

1.5. Word Processing Program

1.5.1. Managing files and folders

1.6. Security Programs

1.6.1. Backup data

1.6.2. Security

2. Effective Strategies

2.1. Time Management

2.2. Communication is key

2.2.1. Instuctor

2.2.2. Classmates

2.3. Develop a plan

3. Success after the classroom