What influence has hip pop put on the economy?

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What influence has hip pop put on the economy? da Mind Map: What influence has hip pop put on the economy?

1. When was it made

1.1. hip pop has been described as one of the most far-reaching cultural movements of the past three decades. It’s important to remember that hip-hop is not just about music.

2. Influence on blacks

2.1. hip pop is one of the most greatest genre of music everyone talks about. hip pop influenced the black community to dislike each other, like each other, and get money.

3. Who made hip pop

3.1. rap and hip-hop music as we know it today actually began thousands of years ago in Africa with the “griots”, who were village story tellers who played a simple handmade instrument while they told stories of family and village events.

4. Influence has on the streets

4.1. hip pop helped shape parts of the economy. If hip pop wasn't invented people wouldn't be having speakers in their cars to play music.

5. What does hip pop do

5.1. hip hop does not send the best messages to kids as it promotes gang activity, drug use, and violence. Nonetheless, kids want to be like their idols and this has caused many problems that have been tied back to these rappers.

6. Americas reaction

6.1. Hip pop helped party's more funner, and made people want to have party’s. hip pop also made people some people kill each other based off talking about each other.

7. influence on the economy

7.1. hip pop influenced the economy to try to be successful. Some rappers liked to tell you about there life and what happened in it. In Today' society, more and more Black youth are turning to rap music, music videos, designer clothing, popular Black films, and television programs for values and identity. black peopl

8. What did rapping do

8.1. Like most other black music, “rapping” was used to tell all different types of stories. Many kids all over America idolize these “rappers” and look up to them.