Digital Agenda Chat • Feb 26

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Digital Agenda Chat • Feb 26 da Mind Map: Digital Agenda Chat • Feb 26

1. Dianne

1.1. “There’s a gap in the private sector.”

1.1.1. didn’t get the TOR

1.1.2. Don’t understand that the UN “does technology.”

1.2. We need a “rebrand” of the initiative

1.2.1. I want to call it: “UN Technology Advisory Board"

1.3. I want us to have a spokesperson

1.3.1. Go to Silicon Valley

1.4. Advisory board donates because...

1.4.1. Skin in the game

2. I would like…

2.1. To have a workshopping session with Dianne next week.

2.2. To pitch a Lab as a potential project.

2.2.1. Among the 4.

2.3. To sync up with existing efforts.

2.3.1. OCHA in Berkley right now

2.3.2. UNICEF Innovation

3. Advisory board

3.1. “Give-Get Policy"

4. Omar

4.1. “Salem believes the only way to save OICT is through Viorel’s team.”

4.2. Shouldn’t look at SDG, we should look at UN Pillars

4.2.1. Human Rights

4.2.2. Peace & Security

4.2.3. Development

4.3. Wants to separate out

4.3.1. ICT4D

4.3.2. Digital Blue Helment

5. Jorge

5.1. CITO has a consolidation mandate

5.2. Each year she is assessed for these efforts

5.2.1. Last year, didn’t happen with DFS.

6. Examples

6.1. UNEP - Climate Change

7. Workshop

8. Funding Ideas

8.1. UNOPs

8.2. Take 1% of M&E and use it for innovation


9.1. Interagency Task Team Project on Science Tech and Innovation

9.1.1. Came out from conference on financing for dev. Came out of SDG conversation #9 Innovation.

9.1.2. Trying to set up a fund for innovative projects that benefit actors.

9.1.3. Thing that came up is the lack of capacity with respect to innovation. Conversation around the class.