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conditionals da Mind Map: conditionals

1. conditional zero

2. conditional third

3. conditional second

4. we use the second conditional when the condition and consequence are a hipotetic situation

5. Grammar if + past simple, subject+would/could/might+verb.

6. example: If you went to Brazil, you wouldn't want to come back.

7. Grammar if+ present sentence, present

8. examples: If I work too much, I get tired.

9. We use conditional third when we can't change the actions in the past.

10. Grammar If+past simple perfect, subject would/could/might + have + past participle

11. Examples: If she had explained me the problem, I would have understood it.

12. We use conditional zero when the condition and the consequence always is true

13. conditional first

14. We use conditional first when th condition and consequence is sometimes true

15. Grammar if+ simple form, simple future

16. Example: If it rains today, I'll stay at home.

17. conditional first

18. conditional second