Money Always Talks

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Money Always Talks da Mind Map: Money Always Talks

1. Occassion

1.1. Answer

1.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

1.3. Explanation

2. Action

2.1. Answer

2.2. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim

2.3. Explanation

3. Points

3.1. Answer

3.2. Quote(s) from the article that support your claim

3.3. Explanation

4. Speaker

4.1. Answer

4.1.1. author

4.2. I happened to stay with my teenage daughter at the rented house of friends in Southampton

4.3. it is written in first person point of view.

5. Tone

5.1. Answer

5.1.1. the rich are diffrent

5.2. she used a tone that made the rich seem like a higher power

5.3. Quote(s) from the article that supports your claim