Jackson and the war of National Bankery

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Jackson and the war of National Bankery da Mind Map: Jackson and the war of National Bankery

1. Political Motivations

1.1. Moving power away from Federal Government

1.1.1. This kept in line with Republican views

1.2. Bringing power to common man

1.2.1. Also keeping in line with Republican views

1.3. Moved money into state banks

1.3.1. Republican due to money being moved closer to people, and further away from the government

2. Effects of teh War

2.1. Temporary lack of debt

2.2. Depression

2.3. National Bank dead

3. People Response

3.1. Response was largely positive

3.2. People aided in shutting it down

3.3. People eventually withdrew all gold & silver from banks due to inflation starting depression

4. Jackson's Feelings

4.1. 'The national bank favors the few rich over the common many.'

4.2. Kill it before it lays eggs!

4.3. Thought it was necessary to shut down the bank