Marcus Business Plan

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Marcus Business Plan da Mind Map: Marcus Business Plan

1. Areas of Concern

1.1. Knowledge

1.2. Time

1.3. People

1.4. Family

2. Ideas

2.1. Businesses

2.2. Volunteer Work

2.2.1. Historical

2.2.2. Reading

2.2.3. Hospital

2.3. Outreach

2.3.1. Boy girl club

2.3.2. Big brother org

2.3.3. Family first food drive

2.3.4. Blood drive

2.3.5. Homeless feeding

2.3.6. Toy & Coat Drive

2.4. Revenue Driver

2.4.1. Camps

2.4.2. Gala dinners

2.4.3. Listening parties

2.5. Causes to support

2.5.1. Cancer

2.5.2. Dyslexia

2.5.3. Obesity

2.5.4. & other causes affecting many people

2.6. Business Partnership

2.6.1. Sponsors

2.6.2. Approved vendors

2.6.3. NFL/Chiefs resources

2.7. Enjoyment

2.7.1. Community Event

2.7.2. Carnival

2.7.3. Bowling event

2.7.4. Firework extravaganza

3. Build a Strong Team

3.1. Identify needed resources

3.1.1. Business Management Assistant Permit requestor Grant writer Accountant

3.1.2. Personal Management Assistant Manager Board/Committee Accountant

3.1.3. Brand/Marketing Management PR - news contact Marketing/Logo/ Graphic designer Social media

3.2. Identify known talent

3.2.1. Friends and family

3.2.2. Chiefs

3.2.3. Schools

3.2.4. Interns

3.3. Plan to interview help

4. Define Goals

4.1. Market Your Brand

4.2. Generate Revenue

4.3. Give Back to the Community

4.4. Things You Like Do

4.5. Sponsership

4.6. Family Opportunities

4.7. Timing

4.7.1. Offseason

4.7.2. In season

4.7.3. Annual

4.7.4. Quarterly

5. Business Ideas

5.1. Vitamin Drink

5.2. Endorcement

5.3. Event planning

5.4. Clothing Line

5.5. Athletic Training

5.6. Management

5.6.1. Event

5.6.2. Agent