How Does One Learn to think like an engineer

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How Does One Learn to think like an engineer da Mind Map: How Does One Learn to think like an engineer

1. The instructors design assignments for the course to challenge students to tackle problems more globally and think like engineers in the real world

1.1. Rather than a lecture-style setup, students now work in groups of three to solve problems developed by the team of instructors. On a practical level in the real world, engineers have to simplify word problems into solvable mathematical equations.

2. The SAIL approach enables instructors to cover all course content, with the added bonus of addressing additional skills that may not have been at the forefront previously

2.1. For the group problem-solving activities, students are presented with an outline they complete together.

3. The inverted classroom is one of the freshest ideas in education, and is a result of research that supports the theory that students learn more, and are more successful, when they are actively engaged in processing their own learning

4. BE 200 was reworked to reflect and incorporate the most innovative approach to education: a unique version of the inverted classroom.