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cyberbullying da Mind Map: cyberbullying

1. Ways to committing it:

1.1. you are committing cyber-bullying if you put any embarrassing pic of your friends or if you comment them and say nasty things that you know you shouldn´t

2. Consequences:

2.1. for a bully:

2.1.1. you can become an unwise person and because you are use to say nasty things without repercussions you are going to keep doing it and in the best times

2.2. for a victim:

2.2.1. the problem can develop to the point that it affects your notes and it could also affect you metal health and your personal relationships.

3. Strategies to stop it:

3.1. the best way to stop it is by telling a growing up person that has the power to get the bully in trouble and after the bully has been punished you forgive and forget so he wont do it again

4. Advice:

4.1. if you suffer from cyber-bullying you must tell some and find a way to stop it as fast as possible before it gets worst