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Cyberbullying da Mind Map: Cyberbullying

1. How to stop it

1.1. Call the police

1.2. Talk with your parents or grown ups about this.

1.3. Talk with the one who is bulliying you and tellhim to respect you.

2. Advice

2.1. Try to contain and not to act in an inadecuate way.

2.2. Don't confront the person who is bulliying you, just ignore it.

2.3. Pray to god for he gives you and guides you in the good way.

3. How to comit it

3.1. we can comit bulliying by sending offensive media by electronic devices.

3.2. Also by texting in an offensive way to our friends

3.3. Also by threating people with dead if they don't sent private content.

4. Consequences

4.1. Depressing or being sad

4.2. Suicide

4.3. Being antisocial and being bothered.