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Migration da Mind Map: Migration

1. What is migration

1.1. Human migration is the movement by people from one place to another with the intentions of settling temporarily or permanently in the new location.

1.2. Different from normaid movement

1.3. A migrant is any person who is moving or has moved across an international border or within a State away from his/her habitual place of residence.

2. Difference between terms of  Migration

2.1. Migration

2.1.1. It is a choice that individuals make to leave their country of residence temporarily for personal concerns or convenience without intervention or external compelling factors.

2.2. Emigration

2.2.1. It is the act of leaving one resident country with the intent to settle somewhere else, with the intentions for immigration.

2.3. Immigrant

2.3.1. It is when an individual permanently moved to a foreign country by choice, becoming a permanent resident, migrant worker or foreign worker of that country, due to the lack of resources, better job prospect, family reunification, etc.

2.4. Refugees

2.4.1. They are individuals that have been forced to move out of their country due to political, economical or social issues, in an event to escape war, persecution or natural disaster.

3. Types of Migration

3.1. Political Migration

3.1.1. Migration due to war, civil war or state policies which discriminate against a particular categories of its citizens that are in power. Migration takes place to avoid persecution and seek protection

3.2. Internal Migration

3.2.1. movement from rural to urban area due to political or economic reason, such as education and urbanisation

3.3. Economic Migration

3.3.1. Migrate out of impoverish conditions to seek for improvement in living standards or better job opportunities

3.4. Forced Migration

3.4.1. Migration due to conflict, human rights, violence, escape persecutions.Forced migrants can be said to be internally displaced involuntarily and are referred to as refugees

4. Problems as a result of Migration

4.1. Influx of foreigners into a country may cause retaliation from the people, as foreigners will compete with the locals for scares resources and jobs.

4.2. Movements of people may be illegal through smuggling and trafficking, resulting in illegal migrants, that is helping business gain profits through mass movement of people

4.3. Migration can lead to the dilution of culture and traditions as migrants bring their own practices into local culture, leading to diversification as migrants integrate the society.

4.4. Migration results in the influx of people with different backgrounds that could have opposing public opinions, especially in terms of political parties and democratic systems of government. This could lead to the deepening of political polarisation if political parties lose their power and influence over the majority.

4.5. Fear of the spread of terrorism, some migrants may have the intention of causing cautious in the country instead of simply seeking for better living conditions

4.6. not all migrants that enter the country will be accounted and acknowledged due to static laws in the country.