Ran a Debate Team and participated in competitive Policy driven Debate for 8 years+

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Ran a Debate Team and participated in competitive Policy driven Debate for 8 years+ da Mind Map: Ran a Debate Team and participated in competitive Policy driven Debate for 8 years+

1. Me: I have the capacity to learn new things and adapt to new situations

1.1. Do research ahead of time

1.2. Play out scenarios ahead of time

1.3. Don't be afraid to ask questions

1.4. Be confident on your delivery

2. Others: Persuading others is as much a product of facts as it is of how the thing is presented

2.1. Can listen to what you say

2.2. Timing within the conversation plays a big role

2.3. Body language matters

2.4. Tone and strength of voice matters

3. Life: The right mix of hard work and guidance can go a long way

3.1. Was not a big talker

3.2. Perseverance and practice

3.3. Teaching others

3.4. Gave me confidence at presenting

3.5. Giving the gift to others