Parts Of The Catholic Mass

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Parts Of The Catholic Mass da Mind Map: Parts Of The Catholic Mass

1. The liturgy of the word

1.1. Reading from scripture and the homily(serman)

1.1.1. It consist of three readings 1. a reading from the old testament. 2. a non gospel reading from the new testament. 3. a reading of the gospel First two are done by a lector( a lay reader) and the gospel is claimed by a deacon A responsial psalm and a gospel acclamation divide the three readings

2. introductory rites

2.1. The Introductory Rites in the Catholic Church is based on Prayer.

2.1.1. The Prayer that’s starts off Introductory Rites is called the ‘Collect.’ The celebrant invites the people to Pray and after a brief silence to say the Prayer of the day. Then the collect gathers the Prayer’s and disposes all to hear the Word of God, in the context of the celebrations

3. The Liturgy of the eucharist

3.1. Things in the eucharist Bread,wine,altar,gifts,prayers

3.1.1. We remember christ and how he saved us

4. concluding rites

4.1. The celebrant will bless all the people assembled. This blessing is usually very simple unless it is a special day which is when the blessing is more extensive. for example easter or christmas day

4.1.1. After this blessing, the deacon will dismiss everybody from the church. Announcements may be made (if necessary) after the Prayer after Communion