Higher Education of Prisoners

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Higher Education of Prisoners da Mind Map: Higher Education of Prisoners

1. Statistics

1.1. Percentage of those that return to prison

1.2. Comparison of those gaining employment who have studied versus former inmates who received no education while incarcerated

2. employment difficulties after prison due to stigma attached to having a criminal record

3. Is it cost effective?

3.1. Cost of current programs within Australian prisons

3.1.1. Comparison - program cost versus money spent on incarceration

4. Funding

4.1. Current amount being received?

5. Benefits

5.1. Assists with gaining employment after prison

5.2. Re-offending prevention

5.3. Not just about skill-building. Can also assist to reduce stress

5.4. Gives them something to do while incarcerated

6. Education Programs

6.1. What's available?

7. Employers

7.1. Benefits offered to employers willing to take on former prisoners